How To Be Successful in Voiceover Commercials From A-Z

There will be a Video Aid shown along with the presentation: To help talent to be successful and feel empowered Terry Berland will demystify the process of a commercial voice over spot from conception to audition and finally to the booking.Terry will further explain how the talent grows in auditioning competitively. This is an interactive session; through audience shares and questions, we will discuss stumbling blocks and possible solutions.

Attendee Takeaways:
Talent will:
1. Gain confidence knowing and understanding the path of how the project comes to them and who is involved in deciding who gets booked.
2. They will know what is expected of them from the creators who listen to the auditons and make the final booking decisions.  
3. Talent will be able to ask any questions about what may be confusing them regarding their VO career.  

Date & Time
Friday, March 21, 2025, 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
Session Type
Location Name
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