Most voice actors have a generalised impression that using social media for their business might be a good idea. But they don’t see a clear way of taking action, nor do they have any ambition to become a ‘content creator’.
I will demonstrate the systems I use to create a more integrated approach, which has led to regular inbound work. The content I create is all derived from my own interests and practise as an artist (ie. stuff I do already), yet can be utilised to market my services both through social and direct channels. Furthermore, it's backed up by an outbound approach through platforms such as LinkedIn which means it's not just about getting lucky.
Attendee Takeaways:
- Participants will discover that it’s not essential to go viral to make social media 'work'. It's all about establishing relationships in a truly authentic way.
- They will explore my step by step processes of content creation AND implementation.
- I will demonstrate how this process can help build your brand in a uniquely memorable way, while deepening your skills as a performer.