So you got a big animation job! Wohoo! How can you increase your chances of directors and clients bringing you back in again and again? In this session, we will discuss how to stand out as a great addition to any show they bring you on board for. We will discuss how to analyze your record script, prepare for incidental characters, brain storm possible adlibs/walla/crowd scenes, make bold creative choices but stay flexible, and how to shine in your final record session. Being brought back to record again and again - with the same networks and casting directors - has a lot to do with what you bring to that initial performance. Let’s get into how to prepare to the max!
Attendee Takeaways:
Script analysis
Preparing for incidental character assignments
Preparing non verbals, walla, improv and crowd scenes
Coming up with bold choices - but not getting attached to any!
How imperative it is to let go of fear and be willing to try anything