Movie Trailer & TV Promo

Trailer Creative Director and Coach Richard Redfield will guide you through a three-hour workshop focusing on the different genres of movies and shows, and how to excel in any of them. Often VO talent pigeonholes themselves as being best for one or two types of VO but it’s important to try them all and push the boundaries of your comfort zone. You don’t have to have the deepest voice on the block to do horror reads, and if you do that shouldn’t stop you from excelling in comedy or kids’ movies. At the same time, learn how to improve even in those areas in which you already feel most comfortable. It will be fun and definitely worthwhile.

Attendee Takeaways:
-Increase your skill, confidence and versatility
-Find out how you can improve even in the genres you feel are your strongest
-Walk out with at least a few new skills and tricks

Date & Time
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Session Type
X-Session ($)
Location Name
Savannah C
# Registrations
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