Commercial Audition Technique That Will Book You More Work

A good commercial audition consists of understanding what is being asked of you and being able to execute your voice to fulfil the sound the client is looking for. In this workshop you will learn how to analyze a script and how to make the right choices to deliver a good audition read. Through on-mic work each participant will receive individualized adjustments, laid out in understandable terms. for you to deliver the right rhythm and tones, recognize and execute transitions, and hit the right emotional feel for your read to stand out. For more experienced participants Terry will introduce a fresh way to approach a script and delve into nuanced choices that will bring out the most up-to-date bookable reads. As a Casting Director Terry works directly with the decision-makers who book talent and will bring her deep understanding of the key elements they look for in an audition that can move you through the selection process to the final booking.

Attendee Takeaways:
1.  Talent will learn how to approach a script.
2. Through on-mic reads talent will learn strengths they already have and new techniques will be introduced to them that they do not yet have
3.  Talent will experience and understand why their read is of booking quality or why it is not.

Date & Time
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Session Type
X-Session ($)
Location Name
Savannah B
# Registrations
# Waitlisted