Commercial Voiceover is a special and specific genre, and cannot be compared in its approach with other branches of VO. How do you read the completely non-conversational copy as if you were talking to your best friend? How do you sound "non-announcer-y" with a spot that is literally casting for an Announcer role? How do you make the script your own without ad libbing or improvising with the copy? How much of Commercial Voiceover is actual acting? In this workshop, talent will practice how to hone their commercial VO skills to ensure their performance stands out in a good way.
Attendee Takeaways:
Talents will learn what casting directors and clients are actually listening for, and they will have the opportunity to prepare and perform their reads, get feedback, and try it again. They will explore trying various takes and interpreting specs in a safe environment, and discover intricacies within the script that give “clues” as to what the client wants to hear. This workshop will be highly performance based, so come ready to get up there and do your thing!