Commercial Acting Masterclass - Tell The Story

All Commercials tell a story In order to tell the story, the talent needs to UNDERSTAND the brand, KNOW marketing and HOW to tell the STORY. What is the CONTEXT? What is the REASON? * Gain the SELF-DIRECTING tools to put your STAMP on the story and win auditions. Let's get on the mic and Find out what books and what doesn't....from a Casting Director's point of view. *if you have studied with Mary Lynn in the past, this is a new chapter in her Foundations of Commercials curriculum.

Attendee Takeaways:
It's time to Level Up and nail those auditions - Learn the GAME of CASTING and what goes into the process of choosing the right voice for a spot. Tips, tricks and techniques that make your audition stand out and put your distinct interpretation on that read!

Date & Time
Friday, March 21, 2025, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Session Type
X-Session ($)
Location Name
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