Find the Hidden Key Nuggets In A Script to Book More Commercial Work!
In this workshop you will learn the key ingredients that will make your auditions stand out and be recognized. Through on-mic work, you will experience nuanced choices as Terry delves into your understanding of how to analyze a script and how to recognize code words that are given to you to make the right choices for your read to add the final marketing message to the spot that the ad agency is looking for. Terry Berland’s formative years in advertising lends to her deep understanding of scripts. In her position as a casting director, Terry speaks directly to the creatives who book you. She will share all this and give you individual direction to move your reads to the most up-to-date bookable level.
Date & Time
Saturday, March 9, 2024, 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Session Type
X-Session ($)
Location Name
Savannah C