Work Together!! Connect and Create Better Multi-Character Dialogue

The world of voiceover is full of many wonderful things, including the freedom to be almost anyone doing almost anything. How then do so many scenes involving another character wind up feeling disconnected? Why is it so difficult to make a conversation feel natural and flowing? To feel connected? In this session attendees will work through scenes together with voice director Michael Csurics to get at the heart of what it takes to create more organic and fluid dialogue in multicharacter scenes. Session Takeaways: · Develop essential skills for working in an ensemble/multi-actor session · Pick up tips for working with the invisible/mute scene partner in solo sessions · Learn strategies for script analysis specific to multi-character scene work

Michael Csurics
Date & Time
Friday, March 8, 2024, 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Session Type
X-Session ($)
Location Name
Savannah C